Farmers Service Agency, Royal Road, St Pierre

Telephone: (230) 434-0081 Fax: 434-1739 E-Mail:

Supply of Fertilizers to Sugar Cane Planters for Crop 2025

·        Government has decided to renew the Fertilizer Scheme for Crop 2025 for all planters cultivating less than 100 ha.

·        In this context, all planters cultivating less than 100 ha of sugar cane are eligible to a supply of 250 kg of fertilizer type 17-8-20/17-8-25 per arpent as an advance for the upkeep of their ratoon crop (repousse).

·        Planters will have to sign an agreement authorizing the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate to deduct 50 per cent of the cost of fertilizers from their sugar proceeds in 2025.

·        Eligible planters are invited to apply for this Scheme at the Farmers Service Centers of their region as from 20th August 2024, producing the following documents (Original + 1 copy):

(i)         National Identity Card

(ii)        SIFB Registration Card 2024

(iii)       Weighbridge receipts – weight of cane milled in 2024.  Only the area harvested in 2024 will be considered.


·        The fertilizers will be supplied mainly through sales points of official importers and distributors of fertilizers as was the case last year.

·        Planters having already harvested their fields for Harvest 2024 before 20th August 2024 can also benefit from the Scheme by applying for a refund for a maximum amount of Rs9,960/Arpent.  Eligible planters should produce evidence of purchase of fertilizers (Invoice from Supplier), in addition to the above-mentioned documents.

·        Planters who have not yet paid the 50% of the cost of fertilizers for previous years will be required to settle same in order to benefit from this Scheme.


7th August 2024                                                                                                                                                            Chief Executive Officer


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